Energy & Resources Talking Points 15-04-2016

China General Nuclear Power Corp outlines plans for Malaysia With the confirmation of clean energy assets in several ‘Belt and Road’ countries, China General Nuclear Power Corp (CNG) has outlined its future plans for a South-East Asian CNG Headquarter located in Malaysia. The Chinese state-owned energy giant stated that they intent to push for the …

Chinese investment in Australia growing and diversifying, finds latest Demystifying Chinese Investment in Australia report 中国对澳投资持续增长并呈现多元化趋势 更多发现尽在最新一期的《中国企业对澳投资探秘》

Click here for the full report 11 April, 2016 Chinese investment in Australia has returned to positive growth[i], rising very strongly with a record number of deals taking Chinese investors into new industries – including healthcare for the first time – and new geographies. Investment into commercial real estate has made up for the drop …

Financial Services Talking Points, 11-03-2016

China provinces rail against Beijing plan to tackle overcapacity Following the news of 6 million job cuts due to overcapacity in the China’s industries, there has been fresh criticism and concern as to who will fit the bill and re-position workers following mass redundancies. Beijing has admitted that workers will be laid off and stated …

Healthcare & Life Sciences Talking Points 03-04-2016

Where did the pollution come from? Coal is thought to be the main reason why big cities in the north like Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei have been severely affected by the thick smog which blankets the city’s streets and skies. China’s growth and expansion was supported by coal production which was highest in Hebai. This …

China’s economic restructuring impacts ODI and FDI patterns, leading to more opportunities in high value-added sectors, finds a KPMG report

2 March 2016 China’s inward and outward investment patterns are reflective of the country’s economic restructuring. This is likely to continue to be the case in 2016 and beyond, with opportunities increasingly found in those sectors and areas whose development will contribute towards China’s transition into a high value-added economy, a KPMG report finds. KPMG’s Global …

Financial Services Talking Points 26-02-16

  Securities Regulator Removed as Chinese Financial Markets Recover As China makes its way out of the 2015 trough it’s financial markets found themselves in, the chairman of the Chinese Securities Regulatory Commission, Xiao Gang has also moved on. The sharp market drop in late 2015 fostered state scrutiny of the CSRC and in particular, …

Healthcare and Life Sciences Talking Points 08-01-2016

China drops approval for first and second children The relaxation of China’s one child policy to a two child policy came into effect at the start of the New Year. Along with the introduction of this change, CPC announced the replacement of the previous approval system for a registration system. Under the approval system prospective …

Healthcare and Life Sciences Talking Points 18-12-2015

  18-12-15 FDA reforms encourage pharmaceutical manufacturing China’s Food and Drug Administration Summary have published long awaited reforms designed to accelerate the regulatory review of new drugs and increased options for manufacturing those already approved. The new policy expands the types of drugs that qualify for the fast tracked review process as well as providing …

Food and Agribusiness Talking Points 30-11-2015

Teys Australia invests to reduce carbon footprint Teys Australia has invested over $60 million AUD to reduce carbon emissions and reliance on fossil fuels. The technology allows for the creation of a bio-gas from waste water, reducing fossil fuel energy requirements while creating a sustainable fertilizer product byproduct. The benefits extend to the nearby river …

Beijing Top Distinctive Art Creation Co. Ltd.

Beijing Top Distinctive Art Creation Co., Ltd. (TPDART) is an Australian Company operating in Beijing. Our main projects are cultural exchange programs. We aim to deeply enhance understanding and communication in between China and Australia under the unique charm of art. With the private art consultants and professional design team help shorten the distance in …