Energy & Resources Talking Points | 29/11/2016

Australian solar to assist China in reaching clean energy goals; China increases coal supply, prices fall; China plans to make additional USD$8.5 billion investment in rail and energy in Pakistan; China’s New-Energy License Plate Program

Financial Services Talking Points | 11-11-2016

Alibaba in the Spotlight; Big Plans for Free Trade Zone (FTZs) Replication Across China; China’s finance industry to undergo transformation; UK and China look towards deepening financial ties

Health & Lifesciences Talking Points | 12-07-2016

In today’s Talking Points: Chinese health and pharmaceuticals companies show increasing interest in purchasing 100% shares of Australian supplements companies; Tasmanian ‘tobacco-free generation’ bill declared to be legally sound; numbers of Chinese couples seeking IVF jump in 2015-16 after introduction of second-child policy; Chengdu leads innovation in healthcare space as trend of government support for …

Energy & Resources Talking Points | 07-07-2016

In today’s Talking Points: AGL Energy warns of fall in profits due to costly spot purchases; report advocates China adopt renewable energy integration policies to reduce energy waste; Rio shelves plans for iron ore mine in Guinea; Beijing’s groundwater depletion causing it to sink 11 cm per year. AGL Energy warns of $100m plunge in gas …

Energy Talking Points 14-06-2016

East coast gas in the pipeline for Jemena Chinese-controlled infrastructure company Jemena says an $800 million pipeline is built to connect the Northern Territory gas market with the east coast and as part of a much bigger plan, with Gladstone’s three LNG plants set to drive more demand than many were expecting to struggle to …

Health & Lifesciences Talking Points 07-06-2016

China establishes target dates for family doctor access In a newly released guideline that aims to improve healthcare, a targeted date of 2020 has been set for all people in China to have readily available access to a family doctor. This comes in light of the ever-increasing number of problems presented by the steadily aging population …

Post Event Update | AustCham & BritCham Outdoor BBQ Fun Day

The 4th of June saw the Australian and British communities of Beijing come together for a day of food, drink and cricket. Fortunately the forecast thunderstorms cleared, replaced by perfect BBQ weather and ideal cricket conditions. We’d like to thank the wide range of stallholders who helped make the day a success. We also hope everyone …

Education Talking Points 04-05-16

Chinese-language education praised by U.S officials as furthering bilateral ties U.S officials in attendance to the National Chinese-Language Conference held in Chicago, have applauded the role of Chinese language education in heightening U.S China cultural exchanges and ‘overall ties’. U.S senator Mark Kirk further underlined Chinese education’s role in advancing Sino-U.S ties, stating that education …