Healthcare & Life Science Talking Points | 11 January 2019

In today’s talking points, Beijing municipal government moved to Tongzhou, China’s birth number in 2018 may drop to the lowest since 2000, Chinese hospital deploys AI to detect blind-causing diseases, and an increased number of Chinese firms attend the world’s biggest healthcare meet.   Beijing Municipal Government Moved to Tongzhou Beijing Municipal People’s government officially …

Energy Talking Points | 20/12/2018

In today’s talking points, New energy vehicles are the way to go, New Energy Vehicles Charge Through the Battery Barrier in China, and Australian Network Sector Criticises Government’s Cut of Allow Rate of Return.   New Energy Vehicles are The Way To Go The Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Environment Bureau said on Wednesday that fossil fuel-powered …

Healthcare & Life Science Talking Points | 4 December 2018

In today’s talking points, US and China reach an agreement regarding the classification of synthetic oploids, low-protein, high carbohydrate diet best for longevity, healthy brain ageing, Industry leaders and Pfizer to enter into strategic partnership, and Extreme temperatures are more detrimental to our mental health than we thought.    US and China reach an …

Post Event Update | Doing Business in China Report Launch

AustCham Beijing in collaboration with the Australia China Business Council, KPMG and the University of Melbourne, proudly launched the second edition of Doing Business in China report on Tuesday November 6th at the Australia National Pavilion, China International Import Expo (CIIE). Following an outline of the key findings from the report, Senator the Honourable Simon Birmingham MP, Australian Minister …

Member News | China’s New IIT Law: Prepare for Transition

By: Dorcas Wong, China Briefing, Dezan Shira & Associates On August 31, 2018, the second draft of the Individual Income Tax Law was passed. The new law makes changes to many elements of the calculation and enforcement of individual income tax (IIT) in China — focusing on expanding deductibles, adjusting tax brackets, and changing residency rules. …

Energy & Resources Talking Points | 12/09/18

In today’s talking points Renewables to fuel future of Sino-Africa energy ties, Queensland could reap $24bn renewables boom if it phases out coal generators, Australian coal exports hit record high and China signs a record deal to buy LNG from Qatar.   Renewables to fuel future of Sino-Africa energy ties Africa’s energy demands are rising due …

Member News | Moelis Australia’s First Half 2018 Results

RECORD FIRST HALF RESULT STATUTORY PROFIT UP 83% ON 1H17 STRONG INVESTMENT IN GROWTH Sydney, 22 August 2018 Moelis Australia’s first half 2018 (“1H18”) key financial metrics are significantly up on the first half 2017 (“1H17”) previous corresponding period (“pcp”). Statutory profit1 up 83% pcp ($15.0 million up from $8.2 million) Underlying revenue up 54% …

Education Talking Points | 09/08/18

In today’s talking points WA unis cut fees to attract overseas students, PM Malcolm Turnbull sings praises of Chinese students, Holiday classes increase Chinese parents’ anxiety about education, Heightened use of CCTV in NSW schools   WA unis cut fees to attract overseas students  In an attempt to increase declining international student enrolment rates, Western Australian universities have offered overseas students …