Member News | DezanShira Associates China’s Government Inspections

On July 6, China announced a campaign to inspect local governments and departments, signaling the central government’s resolve to implement core policies. The announcement, detailed in the State Council’s Circular about the Launch of Inspection Program for Departments and Local Governments, outlines the scope of the inspection campaign and how it will be carried out. …

Energy & Resources Talking Points | 17/07/2018

In today’s Talking Points: Chinese energy companies get extra charge from B&R Initiative, Apple announces $300 million clean energy fund in China, Renewables will replace ageing coal plants at lowest cost, Aemo says, Australian Competition and Consumer Commission says people can cut power bills by 25% with stronger competition.   Chinese energy companies get extra charge from B&R Initiative …

Member News | KPMG Demystifying Chinese Investment in Australian Healthcare

  Chinese investment in healthcare has soared over the past 3 years. Australia is becoming a highly sought-after destination for healthcare investment due to the expertise of health professionals, availability of cutting-edge technology and high regulatory standards. As China’s aged care industry develops and its healthcare service delivery sector matures, there will be a greater …

Food & Agriculture Talking Points | 12/07/2018

In Today’s Talking Points: China expanding agricultural cooperation with Belt and Road countries, Chinese food importers hold trade talks with Aegean fruit, vegetable exporters, Microbial protein might one day be feeding livestock  China expanding agricultural cooperation with Belt and Road countries China is enhancing agricultural cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road, expecting to make a greater …

Event | Disputes & Resolutions: Foreign Invested Enterprises

In the complex process of making investments in China, foreign investors are often faced with various legal and financial problems. Various foreign investments have failed due to the vast differences in law and business culture, thus outlining the vital importance of understanding the laws and regulations in China so as to avoid unnecessary disputes. Mr …

Energy & Resources Talking Points | 19/04/2018

In Todays Talking Points: China is getting better at fracking; the technology that sparked the US natural gas boom; China-proposed energy initiative foresighted in solving world problems: U.S. expert; China to expand renewable energy development China is getting better at fracking, the technology that sparked the US natural gas boom Chinese energy giants are forecasted to double its …

Food & Agribusiness Talking Points | 17/04/2018

In today’s talking points: Minister highlights ‘enormous potential’ of Chinese beef market; Wageningen University to develop Chinese agriculture and food research centre; 3 major trends in China’s packaged food market. Minister highlights ‘enormous potential’ of Chinese beef market On April 16, Ireland’s Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine Michael Creed announced that beef exports to China have …

Food & Agribusiness Talking Points | 3/04/2018

In today’s talking points: Booming Technology Industry is Reshaping Agriculture Throughout China; China Aims for Modernised Farm Sector by 2035; China Establishes New Food and Food Related Agencies; China Unveils Retaliatory Tariffs on American Food Imports.   Booming Technology Industry is Reshaping Agriculture Throughout China The Chinese agriculture industry is experiencing productivity increase brought about by …

Energy & Resources Talking Points | 23/03/2018

In Today’s Talking Points: $250 Million loan for geothermal heating deal signed by Asia Development Bank, EU’s Research Centre studies the potential of transcontinental electricity link, Victoria to follow South Australian battery scheme, China’s CEFC stake in Russian Rosneft stalls $250 Million loan for geothermal heating signed by Asia Development Bank Joint venture by Sinpoec and AGE – Sinopec …

Financial Services Talking Points | 20/03/2018

In Today’s Talking Points: Egypt’s new Capital Tower District to be majorly financed by Chinese banks, to finalize fundraising 12 billion yuan in fresh equity in the coming weeks, China’s new central bank head enters, Hayne inquiry continues   Egypt’s new Capital Tower District to be majorly financed by Chinese banks Egypt’s New $3 billion skyscraper will draw 85% …