Australian Residency Tax Changes & Tax Implications for Expats

Hidden away in the back of the Australian Budget and unmentioned in the Treasurers speech, was a simple statement confirming that: “The Government will replace the individual tax residency rules with a new framework that is easy to understand, provides certainty and reduces compliance costs for globally mobile individuals and their employers.” The Budget has …

Beijing International Bilingual Academy 海嘉国际双语学校

Founded in 2006, the Beijing International Bilingual Academy (BIBA) offers international bilingual education for children from Early Childhood up to Grade Twelve. Since its establishment, BIBA has been growing steadily, currently reaching a student population of over 1700 students from more than 30 different countries and regions. BIBA is an IBO World School and also …

Griffith University

Griffith University The remarkable people who better our world, the remarkable experiences that transform people and communities, and the remarkable contributions that change the future forever. We know success often comes from being an exception to the norm—challenging convention, adapting and innovating, creating bold new trends and pioneering solutions ahead of their time. At Griffith, …

How Can China’s Delivery Industry be Greener?

How Can China’s Delivery Industry be Greener? Zhu Rui (Juliet), Professor of Marketing, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Li Mengjun, Senior Manager at Social Innovation and Brand Research Center, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business   Zhou Wei, Research Assistant at Social Innovation and Brand Research Center, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business China’s …

“Medical Products HUB” Goes DIGITAL

The “Medical Products Hub” has gone digital and is can now be seen online at in 16 Languages. Now containing an estimated 200 products in its 9 Categories with capability to provide a seamless service for deliver anywhere in the world. Nigel Blair, Chairman of Nihao Global, said, “The digitisation of this market place platform for …

COVID-19 | Online Education

Increased Demand Motivates Online Education Innovation Apr 25, 2020                         Editor’s note: COVID-19: Economic Analysis is a series of articles comprising experts’ views on developing micro and macroeconomic situations around the globe amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors of this article, Zhong Ling, PhD …

Member’s Event: “Medical Products HUB”

  As a result of the current coronavirus or Covid-19 outbreak, there has been a significant increased global demand for medical supplies and equipment. This, combined with the Chinese borders now being closed to all foreign nationals, has created difficulty in access and sourcing of medical supplies with certainty or consistency from China, the world’s …

Member news | Protect Yourself – Home Care Advice from the WHO and Chinese CDC

Due to the rapid increase in incidence of coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infections, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed a rapid advice notice to give recommendations on safety measures for persons with suspected 2019-nCoV infection and asymptomatic contacts. What can you do if you or someone you know has a suspected coronavirus infection or has been in close …

China Social Impact Awards Gala Dinner

Join us at the 2019 China Social Impact Awards: Gala Awards Dinner on Thursday November 7th! The 2019 China Social Impact Awards seek to recognise the exemplary work taken to enrich the environmental and social landscape in China. To register for this event, please click the link below:   This year we received over …