Through AustCham China’s government relations in Australia and China, the chamber has strong connections across the political spectrum. We are Australia’s industry platform in China that adds a voice to AustCham members building productive relationships with the Australian and Chinese Governments. We help members to develop a better understanding of Government policy updates in Australia and China through member events and meetings, and engage strategically in public policy debates and inquiries. AustCham regularly engage the Chinese Government through our industry forums and events providing AustCham members with greater access to the Chinese political landscape.
AustCham’s General Manager Nick Coyle and Chair Tracy Coglan went to Canberra to front a Joint Standing of Committee on Treaties to defend an AustCham submission relating to the China Australia Free Trade Agreement. They updates us on their trip and the outcomes from the meetings in Canberra. Click here for the letter.
The Australian Productivity Commission has called for submissions for a public inquiry into the Regulation of Agriculture in Australia. AustCham will be making a submission and will be calling for recommendations from its members
Australian Financial Services Business in China White Paper (2012)
AustCham Submission: Beijing VET Position Paper
AustCham Submission: Developing Northern Australia
AustCham Submission: International Education Strategy Summary
AustCham Submission: Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Intellectual Property