Post Event Update | AustCham & BritCham Outdoor BBQ Fun Day

The 4th of June saw the Australian and British communities of Beijing come together for a day of food, drink and cricket. Fortunately the forecast thunderstorms cleared, replaced by perfect BBQ weather and ideal cricket conditions. We’d like to thank the wide range of stallholders who helped make the day a success. We also hope everyone …

Education Talking Points 05-11-2015

Date: Thursday, 5th November 2015   No crisis, no need for higher fees, says UNSW vice-chancellor Ian Jacobs (English) Source: Brisbane Times, 05 Nov 2015 Australia’s higher education system is not in crisis and there is no compelling case for students to pay more for a degree, the vice-chancellor of one of the nation’s most …

Australia-China healthcare opportunities

The report is proudly brought to you by NAB. Please click here to get a Full analysis. Abstract : One of China’s two millennial goals, which mark the hundredth anniversary of the establishment of the Communist Party, is to complete a transition to what it calls a ‘middle income’ country by 2020-21. A key challenge will …

Energy & Resources Talking Points 04-11-2015

Date: Wednesday, 4th November 2015   Chinese Gas Use Climbs 2.5% in First Nine Months (English) Source: News Base, 29 Oct 2015 Chinese gas consumption edged up in the first nine months of 2015, according to data from the NDRC. The country consumed a total of 132.2 billion cubic metres of gas in the period, …

Food & Agribusiness Talking Points 03-11-2015

Date: Tuesday, 3rd November 2015   Agricultural reform becomes one of the 13th 5YP focuses (Chinese) Source:, 30 Oct 2015 Analysts believe the agricultural modernization will be accelerated during the next few years due to an oversupply of crops, unreasonable structure and food security issues. With domestic demand showing the most potential, the authorities …

Education Talking Points 29-10-2015

Date: Thursday, 29th October 2015   How technology can overcome Australia’s (and the world’s) educational problems (English) Source: Brisbane Times, 28 Oct 2015 A recent report estimated that at least 250 million of the world’s primary school age children, in both developing countries and developed countries, are unable to read, write or do basic mathematics …

Energy & Resources Talking Points 28-10-2015

Date: Wednesday, 28th October 2015   BHP sees short life for US oil boom (English) Source: Upstream, 27 Oct 2015 Mining giant BHP Billiton expects oil supply from unconventional resources to peak in the next decade, making other high-cost basins more attractive for development.   Iron ore softens as buyers hold back (English) Source: PLATTS, …

Food & Agribusiness Talking Points 27-10-2015

Date: Tuesday, 27th October 2015   Telecommunications Review highlights regional connectivity challenge (English) Source: NFF, 23 Oct 2015 The report from Regional Telecommunications Review tabled in Parliament yesterday builds the case for improved connectivity in the bush, says NFF. The report captures the increasing importance of connectivity in rural Australia. Farming families rely heavily on …

Financial Services Talking Points 26-10-2015

Date: Monday, 26th October 2015   China considering launching QDII2 trial in Shanghai free trade zone (English) Source: The Business Times, 22 Oct 2015 China is considering launching its long-planned qualified domestic individual investor programme (QDII2) in the Shanghai FTZ, according to the State Council. Currently individual Chinese investors are allowed to purchase a maximum …

Financial Services Talking Points 19-10-2015

Date: Monday, 19th October 2015   MOC’s statement on China’s FDI in Jan-Sept (Chinese) Source: MOC, 15 Oct 2015 International M&A projects saw a significant increase, with a total amount of 20.18 billion USD, accounting for 23.1% of FDI, with non-SOE representing 67% of the total FDI pool. In addition, the nature of projects was …