Healthcare & Life Science Talking Points | 30/08/18

In today’s talking points China health reforms help global pharma groups despite price cuts, robot academy to train surgeons in Australia, China introduces smart technologies to promote elderly care services and BGI, Xing Tech to advance diagnostic technologies.   China health reforms help global pharma groups despite price cuts Beijing has forced the world’s top pharmaceutical companies …

Healthcare & Life Science Talking Points | 16/08/18

In today’s talking points Fewer Australians are dying from hepatitis C but thousands are still missing out on treatment,The true cost of staying healthy in Australia revealed, FDA recalls are a reminder that China controls much of world’s drug supply, Centrelink new robodebt trial bypasses previous safeguard for mentally ill   Fewer Australians are dying from hepatitis C, …

Healthcare & Life Science Talking Points | 07/08/18

In today’s Talking Points Ningxia to build China’s first Internet Plus Healthcare demo zone, Private health sector most vulnerable to data breaches – report, Queensland hospitals to ban junk food and sugary drinks, China to subsidise more cancer drugs.   Ningxia to build China’s first Internet Plus Healthcare demo zone The regional government of northwest …

Healthcare & Life Science Talking Points | 18/07/18

In today’s Talking Points: China’s new Alzheimer’s drug completes phase 3 clinical trial, Greg Hunt’s private health insurance overhaul accused of inflating costs,    China’s new Alzheimer’s drug completes phase 3 clinical trial GV-971 was developed by Ocean University of China, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica under Chinese Academy of Sciences and Green Valley Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, …

Healthcare and Life Sciences Talking Points | 29/06/2018

In Today’s Talking Points: Wattle Health Australia expands infant formula business in mainland China, Australia wins landmark World Trade Organisation ruling on tobacco, Minister hunt orders investigation into HealthEngine app over data sharing breaches and Artificial intelligence may have significant contributions to healthcare, especially in China.  Wattle Health Australia expands infant formula business in mainland China Wattle Health Australia …

Healthcare and Life Sciences Talking Points | 21/06/2018

In Today’s Talking Points: Alibaba Health and Merck Pharmaceuticals Team Up to Improve China’s Healthcare Services; Johnson & Johnson Institute Launches in China; Australian Firms Eye China’s Healthcare Market; Australian Coalition Government Ministers Put Forward Energy Policies Alibaba Health and Merck Pharmaceuticals Team Up to Improve China’s Healthcare Services On Wednesday this week, Alibaba Health and Merck Pharmaceuticals signed …

Healthcare & Life Sciences Talking Points | 06/06/2018

In Today’s Talking Points: Biotech Booms in China, China’s science on Map and Using Technology in the Chinese Healthcare Market  Biotech Booms in China  Biotech specialists arriving in China found an industry at a turning point, with many key elements in place for innovation. A guy founded China Bio in 2007 and encouraged others to …

Healthcare & Life Sciences Talking Points | 03/05/2018

In Today’s Talking Points: Study Says China’s New Carbon Plan Will Bring About Health Benefits; China to Continue to Push Internet-Powered Healthcare Services; Ping An’s “Good Doctor” Unit Secures Hong Kong’s Biggest IPO of the Year; Alibaba Advances Blockchain Based Food Fraud Platform   Study Says China’s New Carbon Plan Will Bring About Health Benefits The implementation of China’s …

Healthcare & Life Science Talking Points | 26/4/2018

In today’s talking points: Nestlè invests in building two new factories, aiming to boost their China market; Chinese firm’s money floods US Biotech as Beijing joins the Chase for New Cures; Outpatient Data Monitoring System to Roll out In Chinese Hospitals Later this Year; China’s Pharmaceutical Industry is Poised for Major Growth Nestlè invests in building two new factories, …