Tracy Colgan, AustCham Beijing Chair on Australia Week In China and the future of Australia-China Economic Relations

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Last Friday, AustCham Beijing Chair Tracy Colgan was interviewed on CCTV News, Global Business to speak about Australia Week In China (AWIC) and how it continues to highlight the growing partnership between the two countries.

Tracy commented on how post ChAFTA signing has marked an increased demand for events such as AWIC among the business community. This demand has grown as a result of Australian businesses seeing multiplying opportunities and vast benefits for trade. Tracy see’s such events increasing in popularity and recognition, and stressed how important it is to keep the agenda current and relevant, as we see new opportunities surface such of E-Commerce.

During AWIC, 8 specific streams were held around the country in cities including Hong Kong, Beijing, Chengdu, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Shanghai. As 2000 participants set upon AWIC at the Shanghai expo there was an air of excitement as industry and state representatives from all regions in China and Australia came together. There were one thousand select delegates representing Premiers of states, key delegates and industry CEOs. The Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull MP was in attendance which highlighted the importance of trade relations between China and Australia.

Click here to view the full interview.

by Gabriella Yan News