In today’s talking points, Ping An Technology believes AI is the key to advancing healthcare, and have developed a partnership with Everbright Bank to expand into ‘healthcare finance’. Poor rural areas in China can expect to gain access to basic healthcare, and WA is accelerating commercialisation of digital healthcare research.
Ping An Technology CEO believes AI is the key to improving healthcare in China
Ericson Chan, CEO of Ping An Technology, has stated that AI can improve China’s healthcare system, specifically through reducing wait times at hospitals.
Ping An Technology has developed AI systems that can predict a patient’s likelihood of illness before symptoms appear, improve medical image scanning and increase the accuracy of identifying diseases.
Chan states that the key advantage of AI technology is the speed at which diseases can be identified, which is crucial to improving access to hospitals for patients, reducing the workload of doctors, and overall improving the spread of medical resources.
Source: CNBC
Impoverished rural areas expected to gain access to basic healthcare by the end of 2019
A statement released by China’s top health authority detailed a commission to help healthcare in rural regions through increased financing for hospitals and clinics, and through promoting cooperation with major hospitals. Cooperation will play a major factor to ensure rural centres get the specialised support required to treat patients.
Operations from the commission have also helped rural families affected by disease escape poverty through improved access to medication and a dramatic reduction in healthcare costs.
Though there has been much improvement in China’s healthcare sector, He Jinguo of the National Health Commission stated that healthcare resources are unequally distributed across the country.
The new commission aims to reduce the number of township health centres without a practicing physician or a general practitioner, a figure that sat at 666 at the end of 2018.
Source: China Daily
Ping An Good Doctor partners with China Everbright Bank
The partnership marks an expansion into “healthcare finance” by combining the Ping An Good Doctor app’s healthcare background with technological innovation.
Ping An’s “Private Doctor” service, which organises one-on-one medical consultations for clients, has been integrated into Everbright’s Mobile Banking. The bank will now not only provide financial services to their clients, but also a range of medical services via Ping An.
Ping An Good Doctor has previously partnered with Wyeth Nutrition and Chinese insurance company PKU Founder Life.
Source: Mobi Healthnews
A new research collaboration program in Western Australia will accelerate digital healthcare research onto the commercial market.
The first Western Australian digital health-specific program has been developed by organisations including UWA, Curtin University, and Murdoch University. The Digital Health Accelerator program, partially funded by a state government grant, aims to support commercialisation of digital health research at health institutions.
The digital healthcare sector was cited by the WA Department of Health as an important area for current investment, with the program providing an avenue to improve WA’s health system and patient wellbeing.
Through developing entrepreneurial abilities and promoting partnerships in digital healthcare research, research innovations will be propelled onto the commercial market and into the hands of hospitals.
Source: Healthcare IT News