活动后更新 | COVID-19 KPMG 税务管理建议与战疫之道网络研讨会(中文)

  点击上方视频以供观看     2020年新冠肺炎疫情突如其来,不仅威胁全国人民的健康安全,也对中国经济带来了巨大的冲击,仅电影、餐饮零售、旅游三大行业春节黄金周损失超万亿,也对各行各业民营企业和企业主带来重大挑战。 关键时刻,国家再次重拳出击,从金融、财政、税收全方位支持民营企业度过难关。本期分享,毕马威税务合伙人樊仿然女士和税务总监周博女士将为您解读国家紧急出台的相关防疫税收扶持政策,与您探讨相关税务管理建议与战疫之道。 本次税务分享沙龙的主要内容如下: 多项抗疫税收优惠,如何应享尽享 怎样优化企业税务,度过疫情难关 如何未雨绸缪,提升企业税务免疫力 税务管理建议与战疫之道网络研讨会 (免费参与) 3月19日 星期四 | 上午10点 请扫以下二维码注册报名 如想嘉宾解答有关税务问题,请在注册表格上填写,或把问题发送到daniel.waters@austcham.org.   

AFL Grand Final

Watch Richmond take on the Giants in the AFL Grand Final at Caravan this year! Tickets are getting snapped up, be sure to book!

China Social Impact Awards 2019

APPLICATIONS OPEN NOW 2019 中国企业社会责任大奖现已接受申请! The Australian Chamber of Commerce in China, in partnership with the United Nations, is proud to announce the launch of the 2019 China Social Impact Awards. The Awards celebrate the positive impact companies and organisations of all industries and sizes have had on society and the environment in China.  中国澳大利亚商会很荣幸举办2019年中国社会企业责任大奖。该奖项与联合国合作,旨在表彰为中国社会和环境作出卓越贡献和积极影响的国内外公司。 Following the success …

Ian Tang 邓尧

Ian Tang sits as Chairman of Millenia Cultural, a company that provides innovative contemporary art and antiques financial services. Their business scope mainly includes art transactions, art pledges, art mortgages and art real estate services. They serve clients by curating art centres, providing private museum consultations, and assisting in the management of private art collections. …

Tom Luckock

Tom Luckock is a projects lawyer based in Beijing focused on projects in the infrastructure and energy sectors.  Tom worked for Norton Rose Australia before moving to Beijing. He has been based in Beijing for more than fourteen years. He studied Chinese and undergraduate law at Renmin University. Tom is a recommended practitioner in the …

Alibaba Group

                  ALIBABA GROUP’S MISSION IS TO MAKE IT EASY TO DO BUSINESS ANYWHERE. We enable businesses to transform the way they market, sell, operate and improve their efficiencies. We provide the technology infrastructure and marketing reach to help merchants, brands and other businesses to leverage the power …

Cohort Go

  At Cohort Go, we want to transform international education by creating a place for the community to reduce costs and increase choice and value. Cohort Go is the only comprehensive international education offering, worldwide. We go out of our way to find solutions that offer the best value to students, agents and educators, including …


Bupa’s purpose is helping people live longer, healthier, happier lives. With no shareholders, our customers are our focus. We reinvest profits into providing more and better healthcare for the benefit of current and future customers. We serve 15.5m health insurance customers, provide healthcare to over 14.5m people in our clinics and hospitals and look after …


  Founded in the Queensland outback in 1920, Qantas has grown to be Australia’s largest domestic and international airline. Registered originally as the Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited (QANTAS), Qantas is widely regarded as the world’s leading long distance airline and one of the strongest brands in Australia. We have built a reputation …