Member News | Australian Export Awards

Are you a successful exporter? Gain recognition at the 2018 Australian Export Awards 

The Australian Export Awards is a national program that honours Australian businesses for their export achievements and contribution to Australia’s economic prosperity.

What are the benefits for my business?

  • Boost your organisation’s reputation among local and international customers
  • Gain national media exposure
  • Increase your profile with the Australian Government
  • Network with fellow exporters at exclusive events and learn from each other’s experience
  • Improve staff morale with public recognition of your business’s success
  • Critically review your business planning during the application process and identify ways to improve export strategies and operations
  • Use the winner/finalist logo on marketing campaigns to highlight your achievements
  • Attend the national awards ceremony with senior government officials and industry leaders.

How to apply

Enter the Australian Export Awards through your state or territory export awards program. There are 13 national award categories, entry is free and the application process is straightforward. Visit for more information and to apply.