Healthcare and Life Sciences Talking Points 29-01-2016

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Infant formula restrictions introduced

It is predicted that up to 80% of current infant formula brands may disappear from the Chinese market. China has introduced restrictions on the manufacturers of infant formula limiting sales to just three brands per a manufacturer. The restricts which are expected to be implemented soon are appear to be a crackdown on local manufacturers rather than foreign imports as international manufacturers rarely import more than three brands of formula. The restriction also prevents brands from using the same formula, preventing flooding of the market. Click here for link.

Government to pay for reverse-contraceptive surgery

The National Health and Family Planning Commission announced a new initiative offering free reversal surgery to women who used long term contraceptive methods such as intrauterine devices and tubal ligation. The announcement was made to support the implementation of the two child policy. Around 20 million women are expected to benefit from the initiative. Click here for link

Cancer kills over 7500 a day

With increasing incidence, cancer is the leading cause of death in China and is a major public health problem. New estimates based on recent high quality data collected through the National Central Cancer Registry of China provide the first accurate report in years. While the mortality rate is dropping significantly, the total number of deaths dramatically increased, showing that the current healthcare system cannot keep up with the high demand caused by exposure to a high carcinogenic environment along with a growing and aging population. Click here for link.

China Healthcare Outlook

Austcham member North Head have released the first issue of their 2016 China Healthcare Outlook newsletter. Included in the newsletter are recent healthcare developments, insight into current healthcare issues and their impact on business, and summaries on updated policy and regulations. Click here for link.


This brief summarises a range of publicly available news articles in both Chinese and English and AustCham takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information in these articles. In addition, the views and opinions reflected in these articles are not necessarily representative of AustCham. For more details on how to get involved in the AustCham Beijing Healthcare and Life Sciences Working Group, please contact Andrew Britz.