Healthcare & Lifesciences Talking Points | 15/11/2016

Health&LifestyleTPBIn today’s talking points: Air pollution worsens in October; China promises a better environmental monitoring system; China Mobile Health market is booming; MicroGen to sell into China technology that treats contaminated soils. 


Air pollution worsens in October 

Despite overall improvement of air quality in China over the course of this year, China’s environment ministry said that air quality in China’s smog-hit northern regions, which include Beijing, have worsened in October compared to the same period last year. The six of the worst performing cities in air quality are located in the industrial province of Hebei, which surrounds Beijing. The concentrations of small breathable particles known as PM2.5, which is a key smog indicator, fell 12.5 percent to an average of 42 micrograms per cubic meter this year, despite the fallback in October. Environment group Greenpeace reported that Beijing’s efforts to cut coal burning has led to a 90.4 percent decline in arsenic concentration levels since 2013, which means the city now meets national standards.

Read more at Reuters

China promises a better environmental monitoring system

China plans on creating a comprehensive environmental monitoring system by 2030 in order to boost citizens’ health and raise life expectancy. Pollution has been one of the biggest threats to public health in China, leading to higher rates of cancer, respiratory disease and premature death. In 2012 alone, air pollution killed more than 1 million people in China, according to a study by the World Health Organization. Widespread soil and water contamination have also caused health hazards across China.

In China’s new “Healthy China 2030 plan,” it states that China will set up the “strictest environmental protection system” to oversee construction, noise and atmospheric pollution, soil and water quality and the rural environment. China aims to raise average life expectancy to 79 years by 2030, up from 76.3 years in 2015. It also plans to raise the number of active participants in sport to 530 million by 2030, up from 360 million in 2014.

Read more at Reuters

China Mobile Health market is booming

Findings by Haidian Research estimated that the market scale of mobile health in China has increased 18.8% over the previous year, and will continue to boom. It is projected that the market scale will exceed RMB 1- billion by the end of 2018. Currently there are over 2000 types of mobile healthcare apps that can be divided into five core categories – e-business apps for pharmaceutical products; apps for meeting professionals’ demand to understand special information and inquire medical references materials; those for seeking doctors for treatment; platforms used for booking register and guiding services; and lastly consultation and comments.

Read more at Med Gadget

MicroGen to sell into China technology that treats contaminated soils

Founder of MicroGen Dr. Xuemei Germaine, is the only one targeting Chinese arable land bioremediation market, and offering microbial products which can remove pollution from soil and significantly increase crop yields and health. The Start-up made a breakthrough in 2015 by identifying a market for natural microbial products which “can enhance plant growth, reduce need for chemical fertiliser and promote sustainable crop production’. With clients including large SOEs such as China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group, MicoGen can be well established in the country, and could potentially expand the market to India, the US and Europe.

Read more at Irish Examiner