Healthcare & Lifescience Talking Points | 7/06/2017

In today’s talking points: Women who breastfeed their children are at less risk of uterine cancer; Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region has been a major healthcare provider for patients; Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), working on genomic research on plants, animals and human;  Beef Cattle tissue used for heart valves for procedures

Could Breastfeeding Lower Women’s Chances of Uterine Cancer?

Recent Australian studies have found that women who breastfeed their children have significantly less risk of developing uterine cancer. Dr. Susan Jordan, head of the Cancer and Care research group at QIMR Berghofer lead research investigating the link between breastfeeding and uterine cancer. Over 26,000 Australian women were used for a collection of data, with over 9000 of those having uterine cancer. Results showed that different lengths of breastfeeding consequently lead to different rates of reduced uterine cancer, with women who had breastfed for three to six months having a 7 percent less risk, and women who breastfed for six to nine months having their risk reduced by 11 percent.  As not all women are able to breastfeed, Dr. Susan Jordan confirms eating as well as possible, reducing weight gain to a minimum, and regular exercise are also key points to reduce the risk of uterine cancer.

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Increasing Number of Foreign Patients Favoring Medical Care in Xinjiang

The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region has been a major healthcare provider for patients from neighboring countries. Due to their high quality healthcare and the proximity, hospitals in Urumqi – the regional capital – experienced increase of 20 percent in foreign usage of in-person or online diagnosis system in 2015. It is expected to see continuous increase in foreign patients seeking healthcare in Xinjiang mostly for neurosurgeons and orthopedic surgeons. With this trend, Xinjiang further aims to improve its medical facilities by providing more beds for international patients and employing multi-lingual nurses. In addition to this, foreign patients will soon receive fast-track services to more than 30 hospitals located in the regions for easier access to medical care. By providing the basic need of healthcare, Xinjiang believes that this is a step for establishing mutual trust among China and neighboring nations such as Russia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

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Genetic Sequencing Work Boosts International Cooperation with China

Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI), a nonprofit research organization, has been working on large-scale genomic research on plants, animals and human since 1999. One of the remarkable projects focuses on genetic sequencing, which analyzes the order of nucleotides within a DNA molecule. This technology is further applied to the project as a key tool for sequencing the genomics data from mass population of a certain country then analyzing them. In doing this, BGI works with its industry partners and fellow geneticists from foreign countries such as the United States and Australia to unpack the collected samples. Since it is a significant resource in better understanding possible diseases affiliated with the genetic makeup and improving the healthcare areas, the Human Genome Project draws worldwide attention. This specifically increases international cooperation with China as this industry requires various of samples for clarifications in results and a large number of experienced doctors for better diagnosis.

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Paddock To Patient: Heart Valves Created From Aussie Beef Cattle

The pioneering process of creating durable heart valves from delicate cow tissue sacs has diversified medical technology. This life saving tissue that would otherwise be discarded is being used for the treatment of aortic stenosis, a condition where the aortic value narrows due to calcium or cholesterol obstruction. Once a miserable death, Prince Charles Hospital cardiology director Darren Walters said the TAVI treatment (transcatheter aortic valve implantation) was a “game-changer” for doctors, providing a life-saving alternative to open heart surgery.