On Friday 3 July, AustCham held a webinar focusing on the Resetting of China’s Growth Model. The webinar analysed China’s future trajectory, with a focus on the fields of Science and Innovation, Healthcare and Education. Since early May, China has embarqued on a quantum change of its strategy for macroeconomic growth. For over four decades, GDP growth was the predominant metric. Emphasis has now shifted to stabilizing employment, securing basic livelihoods, poverty alleviation, and risk prevention amid the COVID-situation, while coping with elevated external uncertainty.
On Wednesday July 1, AustCham China held a webinar on the topic of The Future of Medtech post COVID-19, in China and beyond. This webinar provided insight into how the healthcare systems of Australia and China responded to the COVID-19 outbreak, the likely ongoing consequences of COVID-19 on healthcare systems around the world and what is being done to safeguard against future outbreaks.
On Friday 29 May AustCham China held an online webinar with H.E. Mr. Graham Fletcher, Australian Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China. Mr Fletcher provided an update on the Australia-China bilateral relationship, as well as a summary of the current COVID-19 situation both in Australia and China.
COVID-19 has had a serious impact on the Australian Property market; during this webinar, we will explore how it has been impacted, future outlooks, and provide some financial tips for investors.
We are proud to be partnering with ANZJCC, AustCham China (Beijing, South China, West China), AustCham Lao, and AustCham Singapore for this event.
Student Recruitment in Uncertain Times. Brooke Hartigan, Minister-Counsellor (Education and Research), Dr. Amanda Barry, Director, China Liaison Officer, Australian National University, John Molony, Pro Vice-Chancellor (International), Deakin University, and Rhett Miller, Trade Commissioner (Education) (North Asia) and Consul at Australian Consulate-General, Shanghai
On Monday 11 May, AustCham China held a Webinar with ANZ Chief Economist Richard Yetsenga. Mr Yetsenga noted that this has been a very challenging period, but believes we are now past the most acute stage of the crisis with overall new COVID-19 cases broadly flat since April. Mr Yetsenga likened the comeback to “untying a knot” , suggesting that there will be some “tightening” and “loosening” as each country calibrates sectors of the economy for their own local conditions and this process is likely to take time.
On Wednesday April 29, AustCham China held a webinar on COVID-19 and China’s new ‘Health Silk Road’. Brendan Mason, CEO Sino-Oz Limited, Ex-Chair AustCham Beijing, John Russell, Managing Director, North Head and Tim White, the Trade Commissioner and Commercial Consul, West China, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), Head of Austrade China’s International Health team, provides insight into what China’s New ‘Health Silk Road’ is, what it means within the Australia- China business and diplomatic context, future direction and how companies can better engage.
AustCham China in partnership with the Australian Embassy held a briefing on the current COVID-19 situation from the Australian Ambassador to the PRC, H.E. Mr Graham Fletcher.

 Professor Sharon Lewin, Director, Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity. Tim White, Trade Commissioner and Commercial Consul, West China, Austrade
The China-Australia Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the British Chamber of Commerce and KPMG, hosted a webinar focussing on government relations and business operations in the COVID-19 landscape on Fri March 20.
Brooke Hartigan, Minister-Counsellor (Education and Research) at the Department of Education, Rhett Miller, the Trade Commissioner (Education) (North Asia) and Consul at Austrade, Mr Matthew Noble – Director of the Student and Graduate Visas Section, Department of Home Affairs and Amanda Barry, Director, China Liaison Office, Australian National University and Chair of AustCham’s Education Working Group.
Chris Tinning, First Assistant Secretary, Trade and Market Access Division, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment will be joined by Liu Bing, Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, Austrade, and Andrew Cox, General Manager of International Markets, Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA).
Australian Ambassador to the PRC, H.E. Mr Graham Fletcher, Chief Economist of Austrade and General Manager of Austrade Greater China, Heather Cotching and Daniel Boyer (respectively).