Food & Agribusiness Talking Points | 20/10/2016


In today’s talking points: Stricter governance on safety of food sold online in China; Bloackchain to ensure food safety in China; China became Australia’s largest wine exports market; Food security app protects Aussie products in Asia

Stricter governance on safety of food sold online in China

The “Order 27 – Measures of the Investigation and Punishment of Illegal Conducts Concerning Online Food Safety” is designed to improve the safety of online food trading by enhancing transparency and accountability. These new regulations target online f&b producers, stating that they must acquire and display business licenses in online platforms, and that they must guarantee the safe storage and transportation of food sold online that requires refrigeration, insulation or freezing. The measures also include the right for Chinese food safety officials could conduct on-site inspections, review records and use technology to monitor regulated activities. 

Read more at: Food Safety News

Blockchain to ensure food safety in China

A collaboration between IBM, Walmart and Tsinghua University is hoping to harness blockchain technology to bring safer food to the table in China. Rapid economic growth in the PRC has its challenges particularly in the quality of life, including ensuring that food sold in the country is safe to eat. Experts assert that blockchain will enable digitally tracking food products from an ecosystem of suppliers to store shelves and finally on to consumers. The benefit of this technology can also help retailers (i.e. large supermarkets) to better manage the shelf-life of products, further strengthening safeguards related to food authenticity. 

Read more at: CIO news

China became Australia’s largest wine exports market

The ongoing growth of middle class in China has positively been impacting the Australian wine industry. Exports to China jumped at 51 % in the last year to $474 million, making the Chinese market the top one by value for the first time. Only a decade ago, sales were worth just $27 million. According to the published Wine Australia’s Export Report, reveal double digital growth for local exporters in 12 months to 30 September 2016, up 10% to a total value of $2.17 billion. Wine Australia CEO Andreas Clark said the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement contributed to the stunning result in his industry. More than a third of Australian exported wine priced at $10 and more per litre FOB were destined for China, valued at $190 million and up by 63%.

Read more at: Business Insider

Food security app protects Aussie products in Asia

Adelaide’s Beston Global Food Company has developed an online platform that protects its premium products from counterfeiters, also making it available to other Australian exporters. The platform contains two parts. The first part is an anti-counterfeit aspect called Brandlok contains spectrum fingerprint technology similar to what is used to prevent currency counterfeiting. The second part is known as Oziris traces the origin of the individual ingredients in the product down to the batch level, containing the product’s history. When a customer chooses a product with the company’s technology, they use the mobile app to scan the sticker, which contains spectrum fingerprint technology in order to ensure its authenticity. At the moment the app, which runs natively in English and Chinese, is operated in China, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore and aims to enter Hong Kong and South Korea by the end of 2016.

Read more at: Food Mag