Energy & Resources Talking Points | 2/06/2017

In today’s talking points: Australia’s renewable energy sector is set to ‘boom’ in 2017; South Australia powering their operations via biomass plants using straw; new technology to help provide “instantly rechargeable” electric and hybrid vehicle batteries; Chinese experts succeed in mining combustible ice from the South China Shenhu Sea.

Australia Heading For Renewable Energy Power Soar

Australia’s renewable energy sector is set to ‘boom’ in 2017 being the most influential year in the industry since the nationally iconic Snowy Hydro Scheme. This year has seen up to 30 renewable projects underway or set to take place soon, providing 3150MW of new generation capacity. Last year 17.3 per cent of renewable power provided roughly 8 million Australian homes with electricity, helping bring down the cost of power bills and leading towards the half way mark of 33,000GWh by 2020. The renewable energy targets are as follows’ ACT – 100% by 2020; VIC – 40% by 2025; QLD 50 per cent by 2030; SA 50% by 2025 and with the $6.9 billion investment creating 2725 jobs across Australia, these targets are looking promising.



New Power Plan Connects Famers And Miners

Mining ventures in South Australia are set to power their operations via biomass plants using straw. Attempting to provide miners with a competitively priced electricity source, Yorke Biomass Energy is currently building a demonstration power plant by burning straw. Yorke Biomass Energy Chairman Terry Kallis confirms the beneficial outcome of mining and farming sectors working together to increase local economic activity through the collection, transport and storage of biomass fuel stock. This profit sharing venture is expected to require upwards of 90,000 tones of straw per annum from the York Peninsula major grain growing region as new mining rich hubs emerge.



China’s Energy Breakthrough  

Experts have succeeded in mining combustible ice from the South China Shenhu Sea, which is set to be used in the revolution efforts of clean energy confirms Land and Resource Minister Jiang Daming. After 20 years of research and exploration there has been success of  mining the flammable ice it’s high pressured, low temperature areas of the tundra seabed. This energy resource is set to serve as a viable replacement for oil and natural gas as the combustible ice (natural gas hydrate is an efficient, abundant and clean.



‘Instant Rechargeable’ Battery Could Change The Future Of Electric Hybrid Automobiles

Purdue researchers have developed new technology that would help provide an “instantly rechargeable” way to recharge electric and hybrid vehicle batteries, which is safe, affordable, and environmentally friendly. As electric and hybrid vehicles are becoming more popular, there arises the issue of the life of a battery’s charge and the infrastructure needed to charge the vehicle. The demand for convenient locations built for charging ports is a factor that needs to be considered for electric cars. However, the designing and building of recharging stations needs large infrastructure development, meaning that the building of energy distribution and storage system is at high costs to meet the accommodation of continual local battery recharge. With this innovation, this could help accelerate the use of electric and hybrid vehicles. The time needed to stop and re-charge a conventional electric car’s battery would be lessened and also reduce the need for new infrastructure of recharging stations.

Read more at ScienceDaily