Education Talking Points | 9/06/2017

In today’s talking points: Australian university ranked 20th place in the 2018 QS World University Rankings; Adidas and China’s Ministry Of Education (MOE) to train 20 million students across 20,000 Chinese schools as a part of the government’s TV education initiatives;China’s 2017 top 100 philanthropist list continue to make significant investments into Australian

Australian University Makes Top 20 In Global University Rankings

Now one of the world’s most prestigious top 20 universities in the world, the Australian National University in Canberra is the highest regarded in the country at 20th place in the 2018 QS World University Rankings. Nationwide Australian universities have continued to develop and make improvements to teaching, employability and research, with another five in the top 50. Belinda Robinson, chief executive of peak sector body Universities Australia commented that global rankings are key when it comes to international student’s decision making and study selection with $22.4 billion per year being implemented into Australia’s economy. Establishing a new desirability for students in the higher education market, Australian institutions will continue to develop innovative learning ecosystems.



Adidas China Teams Up With China’s Ministry Of Education (MOE) & China Education Television (CET)

In an initiative to improve football skills in China, the series “Daily Football” will air across China’s primary educational TV channels. Aiming to reach over 8 million young viewers, the partnership between Adidas and MOE have their sights set on acceleration of football nationwide. Ultimately the partnership hopes to connect and train 20 million students across 20,000 Chinese schools as a part of the government’s ambition to inspire future sporting initiatives.



Chinese Billionaires Donate to Australian Universities

China’s 2017 top 100 philanthropist list continue to make significant investments into Australian Universities. China’s wealthiest property developers, finance and technology tycoons have made significant contributions to a number of iconic Australian universities over 2017. Almost half of donations to Australia in 2017 were made to universities (44 per cent), up from a third (27 percent) three years ago, according to the Hurun Philanthropy list 2017. The Chinese philanthropists felt as though investing into education was the most influential for society, whereas donations to medicine or the environment had greater difficulty in showing results. China’s billionaires, often from modest backgrounds have a huge interest in donating into Australia’s most prestigious Universities, such as the University of Newcastle, University of Sydney and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).



Educating Your Mind Set For Jobs Of The Future

In an era of unprecedented change and accelerated pace, how do you prepare for your future career path? Thomas Friedman, the Pulitzer prize-winning author and New York Times columnist who came out for the Sydney Writers’ Festival last week, writes about the age of acceleration in his new book, Thank You For Being Late. Friedman highlights three trends that will dictate the 21st century; markets or economic globalisation; Mother Nature, including climate change, biodiversity loss and population pressure; and Moore’s Law, that is the impact of technology. From these movements he believes that the following five mind sets will be required in order for people to intelligently adapt in their careers; to think like an optimistic immigrant, to be an artisan, to reinvent and reimagine like an innovator, to make a difference like an entrepreneur and finally to have a passion and curiosity that allows you to escape your comfort zone – get used to discomfort.