Education Talking Points | 24/01/2018


In today’s Talking Points: China is in a shortage of male teachers; Victorian Opposition’s education plan under criticism; China to increase spending on preschool; Supplemental education accounts for a third of household spending


China in a shortage of male teachers 中国男性教师紧缺

Since 2007, more than 5 provinces in China have introducing policies to attract male school teachers. Take the Fujian province for example, where male students who are doing a master’s degree towards education are offered free tuition fees. In Shanxi also, free tuition is being offered  to males who are willing to study in teacher colleges. Although these measures have drawn some incentives for male students to take an education degree, the policies are under great criticism by the society for being discriminatory toward women.

Read more at: China Daily


VIC Opposition’s education plan under criticism 维多利亚在野党的教育议案造猛烈抨击

The Victorian Opposition’s plan to teach Victorian students Australian values and the principles of Western enlightment is under criticism by local academics and teachers. Education expert David Zyngier from Monash University said that these values have already been delivered to the students in an implicit way.

It is reported that the Opposition’s plans to get rid of cross-curriculum priorities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures; Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia; and sustainability are also under attack.

Read more at: Sydney Morning Herald


China to increase public spending on preschool 中国政府预增加早教经费

The Ministry of Education has pledged to increase funding allocated to preschool education. There will be a standard for public spending on statute-run kindergartens, and subsidies for private kindergartens. A particular emphasis will be placed on building new kindergartens, while also expanding existing ones located in non-urban areas. The incident of child abuse in Beijing has also provided impetus to create greater supervision of kindergartens.

Read more at: Xinhua


Supplemental education accounts for a third of household spending 补习费用成为中国家庭第三大开销

According to a survey conducted last year, a third of household educational spending was used to purchase products or services aimed at developing students’ interests or grades. The average amount was deemed to be more than 5,600 Yuan per student in 2017. Rural household spending accounted for 16.6% while urban households accounted for 42.2%. Nationally, the overall value is estimated to be approximately 458 billion Yuan.

Read more at: Xinhua