In today’s Talking Points: Latest South Australian Business campaign geared towards international students; China’s ‘insatiable’ demand for international schools; OECD Report Highlights Strengths and Weaknesses of Australia’s Education System
Latest South Australian Business campaign geared towards international students
Study Adelaide’s new campaign showcases South Australian businesses that have profited as a result of hiring international students. The move seeks to capture more of the increasingly profitable student education sector and to increase jobs. The new campaign will highlight new post-study work right visas which will allow international students to be employed after graduating their tertiary studies. Recent studies conducted by Study Adelaide show that almost half of all international students want to remain in Adelaide after graduating their studies.
Source: Adelaide Now
OECD Report Highlights Strengths and Weaknesses of Australia’s Education System
This week the OECD released its Education at a Glance report on the state of education in 35 advanced economies. Australian education minister Simon Birmingham said the report highlighted Australia’s “world-class education system”. Some of the key findings of the report for Australia are that education spending is above the OECD average—with only 9 of the 35 countries surveyed spending more per student. The report found, however, that Australia’s investment in early childhood education was below average, with most other OECD countries having extensive early childhood systems funded publically. International enrolments in Australian higher education are high. Australia is the fifth most popular destination for international students, with 8 per cent of the global share, placing Australia behind the US, the UK, France and Germany.
Source: Sydney Morning Herald
China’s ‘insatiable’ demand for international schools
Top international schools around the world are opening campuses all around China, with the school often charging higher fees than their flagships schools abroad. It comes as a result of parents wanting to not only give their child an enriching experience at an international school, but because of the intense difficulty of getting into one of China’s best public high schools. The International School Consultancy, which monitors school trends globally, has found that the demand from the Chinese for English international schools like Haileybury is “insatiable”.
Source: Japan Times