Education Talking Points | 10/08/2017

In today’s talking points:  Australia’s international education industry has continued to grow at impressive rates; The University of South Australia and  Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology have agreed to open a joint college in Xi’an campus; China is  improving education for disabled children; Chinese students will be able to watch traditional opera free of charge.

Australia’s international education hits new records

The value of Australia’s international education industry has continued to grow at impressive rates, with figures released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics showing an increase of over 18.5% in the 2016/17 fiscal year. Overseas students spent a total of AUD 24.1 bn during this period, with AUD 23.5 bn being attributed to direct spending on items such as tuition fees, accommodation, and general costs of living, and an additional AUD 650,000 in other services. However, these trends were disproportionally skewed towards the eastern states of NSW, Victoria and Queensland, with other states such as WA showing the opposite trend. This overrepresentation of some locations could pose serious challenges to the future of Australian international education.

Read more at: The PIE News


UniSA and Xi’an UAT establish joint college

The University of South Australia (UniSA) and Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT) have agreed to open a joint college in XAUAT’s Xi’an campus, in what would only be the second Australian-Chinese joint college to be approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The new college, known as XAUAT UniSA An De College, will offer 6 courses – 4 bachelors and 2 masters, and is part of a wider 10 year agreement allowing students from both universities to complete part of their degree in the other university.

Read more at: The PIE News


China determined to improve education for disabled children

Since the first plan on improving education for disabled children kicked off in 2014, about 124,000 more disabled children have been admitted to schools, 34 percent higher than in 2013. The 2017-2020 plan, jointly released by the Ministry of Education and six other ministries, aims to further improve the coverage of compulsory education for China’s disabled children. According to the plan, over 95 percent of China’s disabled children and teenagers will receive compulsory education by 2020. The plan guarantees more funding and encourages non-government and non-profit organizations to join in the provision of special education services to disabled people. It also asks district and county governments to confirm information of disabled children at school age and make sure they receive compulsory education in one of the following forms: special education schools, regular schools, child welfare organizations or homeschooling.

Read more at: XinHua


Free traditional opera for Chinese students nationwide

In an effort to promote traditional opera in schools, primary school, secondary school, and university students will be given the opportunity to watch traditional opera free of charge in 2017. By 2018, students in all schools and colleges nationwide can watch an opera free of charge every year. Apart from complimentary viewing of opera performances, schools are also urged to strengthen the creation of opera interest groups. Currently, there are hundreds of forms of local opera in China, with Peking Opera the most famous. Both Peking Opera and Kunqu Opera are listed by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage.

Read more at: Xinhua