Agility Ocean Freight Market Insight Report

Agility have published their Ocean Freight Market Insight Report which provides key insights on the challenges faced by the global shipping industry.
The content in the link “View the Market Insight Report here” as below is recommended viewing and provides an overview of the shipping conditions globally with Australian focus towards the end of the report.

“The report outlines trends in certain shipping lines to close off bookings from some origins that go through transhipment hubs due to the congestion (some reports say four to five weeks delay in transhipment points in extreme cases). Another developing trend is that from some ports, some shipping lines are placing a weight restriction on containers (IE: Busan limited to 15T per TEU / Indian port limited to 10T per TEU). This is putting additional stress on cost models for importers as volume traditionally sent in one container now will have to go in two containers with higher cost impost.

The situation continues to be challenging and regretfully likely to continue to escalate in complexity as we enter the traditional peak shipping periods for importers over the Q4. Careful planning and consideration of delays and cost increases need to be accommodated during this time.”

by bjaustcham News