澳大利亚金鼎集团我们的愿景澳大利亚金鼎集团(澳洲金鼎)致力于成为一家拥有百年历史和多元化业务的房地产公司。我们的愿景是成为澳大利亚领先水平的房地产开发商和综合服务的提供商,服务于来自澳大利亚和中国两个市场的客户及商业伙伴。我们的价值观在中文里,“金鼎”的含义是“一诺千金”和“一言九鼎”。我们不仅信守承诺,而且我们相信我们建立的伙伴关系将远远超出项目的生命周期。澳洲金鼎秉持“服务源于细节,细节彰显品质,品质引领发展”的价值观念。我们凭借准确的战略指导,精英的团队组建,专业的管理运作,细致的服务理念,希望通过我们的不懈努力,将澳洲金鼎打造成为一个具有内涵、精益求精的房地产企业。.我们的业务澳洲金鼎专注于澳大利亚房地产开发,投资置业,租赁和基金管理以及移民留学业务。澳洲金鼎于2016年10月开始运营,我们的总部位于墨尔本Collins.Street.的.Rialto.大厦内。2018年,我们的基金管理公司在悉尼市中心George.Street的Grosvenor.Place开始正式运营。..我们希望成为澳大利亚一流的房地产开发商,整合最新的环保和可持续性技术,专注大型土地和住宅社区项目。我们的投资组合已超过13亿澳币,在维多利亚州的开发地点包括Armstrong.Creek,.Wollert,.Junction.Village和Sunbury..金鼎置业公司是一家表现杰出的渠道业务公司,在成立之初的12个月内累计售出了450多套澳洲房产。我们专注于澳大利亚各地的优质公寓、联排别墅和房地套餐,并特色地组织来自中国的置业考察团,以发掘潜在的投资机会。.我们的第一家房地产零售店于2017年在墨尔本的博克街开张营业,并且我们还计划在墨尔本、悉尼和布里斯班等具有战略意义的地点增加我们的零售店。我们在中国大陆的上海、北京、重庆、成都、武汉、杭州、南京、福州、青岛和厦门拥有10家分公司,超过300名员工。 In addition to our head office in Melbourne, our local presence spans Australia’s eastern seaboard with offices in Sydney and Brisbane, and representation in the Gold Coast. Our channel sales team includes over 400 sales consultants across Australia and China. Our significant reach spans 14 offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Chengdu,Wuhan, Hangzhou, Nanjing, …
MA Financial Group
Singapore Airlines
The SIA Group’s history dates back to 1947 with the maiden flight of Malayan Airways Limited. The airline was later re-named Malaysian Airways Limited and then Malaysia-Singapore Airlines (MSA). In 1972, MSA split into Singapore Airlines (SIA) and Malaysian Airline System. Initially operating a modest fleet of 10 aircraft to 22 cities in 18 countries, …
V Group – Be With You
V Group – Be With You covers both online, television and other multimedia with the aim to develop local television for youth. With over 100,000 minutes of children’s cartoons and pre-school education programmes and partnered with over 10 international children’s media groups to develop unique IP’s within China.
Commonwealth Bank of Australia 澳洲联邦银行
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Telstra 澳大利亚电讯
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Spaceframe Construction & Engineering Co. Ltd 澳大利亚事百世有限公司北京代表处
A privately-owned design and construction company focused on delivering every project in line with structured timelines and established project methodologies. Through superior customer service and a genuine commitment to ‘on time, on budget’ project delivery Spaceframe initially established a formidable reputation as a leader in the China construction market pioneering the use of Pre-engineered buildings …
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National Australia Bank Limited 澳大利亚国民银行有限公司
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KPMG China 毕马威中国
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