Author: bjaustcham

AustCham China Meets With IDCPC CECC

AustCham China Meets With IDCPC CECC

On January 21, 2025, by arrangement with China Economic Cooperation Center (CECC), AustCham China’s Chair Vaughn Barber met with CECC’s Director Zhizhong Ke and his delegation. AustCham China’s CEO Tian Zhang, and COO Nathan Hou, also attended. 2025年1月21日,中国澳大利亚商会会长冯栢文应约会见中国经济联络中心主任可志忠及其一行,中国澳大利亚商会CEO张天粟及COO侯尧宸一同参加会见。 Mr. Barber emphasized the shared commitment among Australian businesses in China for a stable and robust China-Australia...

AustCham China at CCPIT Business Leaders Networking Reception

AustCham China at CCPIT Business Leaders Networking Reception

On January 17th, at the invitation of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT), AustCham China’s Chair Vaughn Barber, CEO Tian Zhang, and COO Nathan Hou attended the Business Leaders Networking Reception and CCOIC Foreign-Invested Enterprises Committee Annual Meeting. 2025年1月17日,受邀于中国国际贸易促进委员会(以下简称为“中国贸促会”),中国澳大利亚商会会长冯栢文,CEO张天粟以及COO侯尧宸一行参加了由中国贸促会和中国国际商会主办的中外企业交流会暨中国国际商会外资企业工作委员会年度会议。 We are grateful to the CCPIT for this opportunity to engage with...

Australia-China Education Market Briefing

Australia-China Education Market Briefing

The 2024 Australia-China Education Briefing, co-hosted by AustCham China and the Australian National University (ANU) China Centre, provided a comprehensive overview of the evolving educational landscape between Australia and China.