Author: bjaustcham

AustCham in the Media | CEO Comments on Return of Lobster

AustCham in the Media | CEO Comments on Return of Lobster

AustCham China is pleased to celebrate the return of Australian lobster to Chinese tables by the end of 2024 after a four year hiatus.  历经四年等待, 中国澳大利亚商会很高兴可以庆祝澳大利亚龙虾在2024年底重返中国餐桌。  In a recent interview with CNBC, AustCham China CEO Tian Zhang reflects on how the return of Australian lobsters to the China market may play out.  在接受CNBC专访时,中澳商会首席执行官张天粟谈到了澳大利亚龙虾回归中国市场的前景。 He indicated optimism...

AustCham China Board Members Attend Ambassador’s Dinner

AustCham China Board Members Attend Ambassador’s Dinner

On 22 January 2025, AustCham China Board Members attended the dinner on the occasion of the Spring Festival hosted by H E Mr Scott Dewar, the Australian Ambassador to the People’s Republic of China.  2025年1月22日,正值新春佳节前夕,中国澳大利亚商会董事会成员荣幸受邀参加了由澳大利亚驻华大使吉思德阁下举办的晚宴。 AustCham China extends our sincere gratitude to Ambassador Dewar for his generous hospitality. It was a wonderful evening of celebration...

CIIE 2024 | Video Interview with AustCham China Chair

CIIE 2024 | Video Interview with AustCham China Chair

At CIIE 2024, AustCham China joined the largest-ever delegation of Australian companies attending, all eager to explore opportunities in the Chinese market.  在2024年中国国际进口博览会上,中国澳大利亚商会携手与史上最大规模的澳企代表团共同参会,每家参会企业都期待在中国市场寻求合作和发展的机会。 AustCham China Chair Vaughn Barber spoke with Yicai Media during the Expo, highlighting that there’s much for Australian companies to learn in China, particularly in areas like tech adoption and AI. 进博会期间,中国澳大利亚商会会长冯栢文Vaughn...

AustCham China at CIIE 2024

AustCham China at CIIE 2024

Today, AustCham China has been actively engaged at the 7th China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, supporting our member companies and proudly highlighting the strength of Australian brands on the global stage.  今日,中国澳大利亚商会积极参与了在上海举行的第七届中国国际进口博览会(CIIE),携手众多会员企业,共同展现澳大利亚品牌的全球影响力。  Led by AustCham China Chair Vaughn Barber; board members Kitty Liu, Christopher Neil, Craig Pasch, and Helen Sawczak;  CEO Tian Zhang;...

CIIE 2024 | AustCham China Members Lead the Way

CIIE 2024 | AustCham China Members Lead the Way

CIIE: Record Number of Australian Exporters Attend as Opportunity Beckons AustCham China plays an important role in helping our members engage with media at events like the China International Import Expo (CIIE). At this year’s CIIE, we assisted a number of AustCham Members to speak with Yicai Global.  中国澳大利亚商会在帮助其会员企业在进博会等活动中吸引媒体关注方面发挥着重要作用。今年进博会期间,我们成功促成第一财经全球对多家中澳商会会员企业进行深入采访,助力提升其品牌知名度。 The following is a summary, to...

AustCham in the Media | Chair on Resumption of Beef Trade

AustCham in the Media | Chair on Resumption of Beef Trade

Positive news for Australian beef and veal importers as China has removed the final trade impediments on two Australian red meat packers. 中国近日解除了对两家澳大利亚红肉加工企业的贸易禁令。这对于澳大利亚牛肉进口商来说是一个好消息。 “This is a welcome boost for Australian exporters, producers, and farmers, reaffirming the importance of constructive and consistent engagement in strengthening trade relations,” said Vaughn Barber, Chairman of AustCham China. 中国澳大利亚商会会长冯栢文(Vaughn Barber)表示:“这对澳大利亚出口商、生产商和农民来说是一个可喜的利好消息,再次强调了建设性和持续性接触在加强贸易关系中的关键作用。”...

AustCham in the Media|Comment On Visa-Free Transit Policy

AustCham in the Media|Comment On Visa-Free Transit Policy

China recently introduced a major update to its visa-free transit policy, extending the permitted stay for eligible foreign travelers from the original 72 and 144 hours to 240 hours, or 10 days. The policy also increases the number of designated ports to 60 across 24 provinces, simplifying travel for citizens from 54 countries, including Australia....