With robust economic recovery from the pandemic, China continues to offer plenty of business opportunities and attracts those who are seeking to expand their business abroad. For companies planning to enter the Chinese market, the first step they may consider is to have a local website in China. So how to effectively localise your website …

Australian Residency Tax Changes & Tax Implications for Expats

Hidden away in the back of the Australian Budget and unmentioned in the Treasurers speech, was a simple statement confirming that: “The Government will replace the individual tax residency rules with a new framework that is easy to understand, provides certainty and reduces compliance costs for globally mobile individuals and their employers.” The Budget has …

The Beijing Sino 10s Rugby Tournament is Back!

最大的北京十人制橄榄球赛回来了 由北京英式橄榄球社群主办的北京十人制英式橄榄球公开赛,将于5月29日周六在北京大兴区聚加球场开赛。北京十人制一直是国内最大型的民间英式橄榄球赛事之一,这次有来自全国各地超过20支男女队伍齐聚一堂,使之超过了以往的规模。 The Beijing Rugby Community is buzzing to announce that China’s premium competition, the Beijing Sino 10’s, is back and bigger than ever!! On May 29th at the Jujia Stadium in Daxing (聚加球场), over 20 men’s and women’s clubs from across China will battle it out for sporting glory in an event that has …

Thanksgiving and Christmas promotion from JW Marriott

Start your winter celebrations in style with a range of festive activities hosted by JW Marriott.  AustCham members will also enjoy 20% off each of the promotions advertised below. For further information, please contact: vivian Cang: vivian.cang@marriott.com

Hurricane’s Grill Wine Tasting Party

On the 14th of December, head down to Hurricane’s Grill to enjoy a special dinner and exquisite wine tasting! Event Details Date: Saturday, 14th December 2019 Venue: Hurricane’s Grill Gongti West Road | 工人体育场西路 (许仙楼与堂超市之间) Time: Saturday evening

MEMBER EVENT | Asian Risks Management Services 2019 Corporate General Insurance Feedback

Asian Risks Management Services is conducting a short survey on insurable risk management solutions. In association with our local partners, we tailor-made insurable risks management solutions. We are constantly striving to design for companies seamless solutions. To do so, we appreciate your feedback. Please answer the 10 below questions, it will take only a few …

Post Event Update | Aussie Expat Tax Planning

  SMATS Group – international leaders in Australian taxation, finance & propertyinvestment services since 1995. The expat tax seminar went well with around 30 Aussie expats in attendance. Matt Heron and two of his colleges gave us a comprehensive guide to the fundamentals of being an Aussie Expat in China and essential tax, property and …

Member Event | Beijing Bombers 2018 AFL Grand Final Party (This Saturday)

The teams for the 2018 Grand Final are now set and The Beijing Bombers AFC are happy to announce that the 2018 Grand Final party will be held at The Caravan Bar on Saturday, September 29. Address 地址: 44, Guanghua Lu. Across from Brazilian Embassy 光华路44号。巴西大使馆对面 +86 10 8563 0801 CaRaVaN驼队 It is opposite the …

Financial Services Talking Points | 30/06/2017

In today’s talking points: ANZ inreases pressure over SA bank levy; Chinese bond market prepares for opening up; foreign graduates increasing difficulty to find  financial service sector opportunities in China; Australian dollar on the rise. ANZ Increases Pressure Over SA Bank Levy Since the announcement of the $370m bank levy announced last week, ANZ Bank has …

Food & Agribusiness Talking Points | 16/03/2017

Chinese agribusiness giant New Hope plans to expand; Australian wines trying to move into China; Sino Marine to launch its first shipment of live exports; China’s Hunan Dakang still plans to snap up overseas agriculture assets.